About Me

My name is Peyton Hodak. As an undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, writing has kept me sane. I started my academic career with an interest in psychology which I heavily pursued as my major. Reading fiction and writing in my free time helped keep me balanced while diving into studies and learning about the human brain. I decided in my junior year to further intertwine my passions with my learning. Adding an English major so late in my college experience seemed daunting, but I felt a calling to read and write that helped spark my joy for learning again. Graduating with a double major in Psychology and English and a minor in Philosophy, I feel I perfectly balanced my academic journey to always feel excited about what I was learning. This portfolio is a showcase of the stories that gave me light, my own or otherwise, in hopes others can find light in them as well. 

Find my Goodreads, email, Instagram, and resume (in that order) below. Hang out with me on Goodreads to see what I'm reading and how I feel about it. Follow my Instagram for more in-depth reviews of books. Check out my resume if it interests you or if you want to work together! Send an email about any questions you have for me (or book recommendations), or contact me via the contact tab. 

“You can make anything by writing.”

C. S. Lewis